
1) Imposed:- Forced someone to follow

2)tax_:- money , every citizen pay to the government

3) Keep a lookout:- to watch for someone or something

4) Outcome:- Result

5) Wade:- walk in shallow water

6) Challenged:- invited or dared to fight against

7) Pack :- a formal agreement

8) gave in :- accepted.


B) Complete these sentences in your own words

1) According to the salt law, Indians were no longer allowed to make their own salt but were forced to buy expensive salt brought from Britain

2) It was unfair because they were forced to buy expensive salt brought from Britain

3) Gandhi chose to march to Dandi because there was large deposits of salt crystals were left on the sea shore

4) After Gandhi broke the salt law The British government reacted with force all the leaders were arrested and all the salt pans that were found were destroyed.

5) According to the Gandhi-Irwing pact, The British gave into some Indian demands.  One of these was that Indians could make salt

Grammar: –

A) Complete these sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets

1) Mohit has been playing (play) all day and is tired now.

2) I have been listening (listen) to this song all morning.

3) Doctors have been working ( work ) or care for cancer for years.

4) Neetu’s Cousin have been visiting (visit) her regularly since march

5) have you been sleeping (sleep) all day?

B) Choose the correct tense forms to complete these sentences.

1) I am cleaning / have been cleaning my room from morning and I want a break !

2) Father has been chopping / Chopped vegetables for an hour but he has chopped only five carrots till now!

3) Are you / Have you been coughing all night? Come, I’ll take you to the doctor.

4) The Children have been doing / are doing their project since last week.

5) Bharat is drinking / has been drinking cold water for many days. He may fall sick.


Study the table

-ness -tion / -sion -ence /-ance -ment
Happy + ness = Happiness Celebrate + tion = Celebration Differ + ence = difference Argue + ment = argument Forming Nouns
Sad + ness = Sadness Confuse + Sion = Confusion Appear + ance = Appearance Enjoy + ment = enjoyment
Ful -less -ent /-ant -ish
Beauty + ful = beautiful Power + less = powerless Differ + ent = different Fool + ish = foolish Forming Adjective.
Pain + ful = painful Harm + less = harmless Please + ant = pleasant Red + ish = reddish

Complete these sentences with to correct forms of the words in brackets.

1) Addition, Subtraction, multiplication and division are taught in mathematics.

( add, subtract, multiply, divide)

2) the doctor has said that the treatment will cost Rs. 10,000/- (treat )

3) Ritwik has got admission in the city’s best college. (admit)

4) The ticketless passengers were fined rs. 100 by the bus conductor ( ticket)

5) I watched a classical dance performance last evening (perform)

6) None of these children is obedient! (obey)


Place a comma in the correct places in these sentences.

1) Vishal needs to be picked up from the airport, not the railway station.

2) will  you help me, clean the room kiran ?

3) Sarah likes comics, not novels.  

4) she bought onions, tomatoes, potatoes and Carrots.

5) Thank you for helping me, complete my project.

Que 1) Answer these questions.

1) what made Gandhi very angry? why?

Answer: – Gandhi was very angry Indians were no longer allowed to make their own salt. But were was to buy expensive salt brought from Britain.

2) What was Gandhi’s plan?

Answer: – Gandhis plan was to begin a march from Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad to Dandi in Gujarat 384 kilometer away. There were large deposits of salt crystals were left on the sea shore.


3) How was the reaction of the British different from the Indian reaction to the marchers?

Answer: – The reaction of the British was different from the Indian reaction to the marchers because they looked upon the whole idea as a joke. The British Government did not believe people would be able to walk so far, so they did not try to stop the marches.

4) What happened on  5 April 1930 ?

Answer:- on 5 April , the marches reached Dandi , late in the evening , less than a month after they had o set out . The next morning , Gandhi walked to the Arabian Sea, bent down and picked up a lump of salty mud, breaking the salt law. Everyone cheered and shouted loudly. Gandhi boiled sea water, to get the illegal, but necessary salt .

5) what did the British Government do when people broke the salt law ?

Answer:- When Indian broke the salt law, the British government reacted with force . All the leaders were arrested and all the salt pans that were found were destroyed.

Extra Questions:-

1) To whom Gandhijji wrote a letter ?

Answer:- Gandhiji wrote a letter to lord Irwin, the viceroy of India.

2) What were the unfair things done to Indians ?

Answer:- Indians were no longer allowed to make their own salt, they were forced to buy expensive salt brought from British.