English First Language

English Third Language

Hindi First Language

Hindi Second or Third Language

Marathi First Language

Marathi Second and Third Language

Maths and Geometry 

Science and Technology

Social Sciene 

A syllabus is a document that outlines the topics, readings, assignments, and other information for a particular course. It serves as a contract between the instructor and the students, laying out the expectations and requirements for the class. Here are some reasons why a syllabus is important:

  1. Provides structure: A syllabus provides a clear structure and plan for the course, including the topics to be covered, the schedule of classes, and the assignments and assessments. This helps students understand what they need to do to succeed in the course.

  2. Establishes expectations: A syllabus establishes the expectations for the course, including the level of participation, attendance requirements, grading policies, and academic integrity policies. This helps students understand what is expected of them and what they can expect from the instructor.

  3. Sets goals and objectives: A syllabus sets goals and objectives for the course, including the knowledge and skills that students should acquire. This helps students understand the purpose of the course and how it fits into their academic and career goals.

  4. Promotes accountability: A syllabus promotes accountability by holding both the instructor and the students responsible for meeting the expectations and requirements of the course. This helps create a sense of responsibility and ownership among the students.

  5. Provides a reference point: A syllabus provides a reference point throughout the course, allowing students to refer back to it when they have questions or need clarification on the course requirements or expectations.

Overall, a syllabus is an important tool for ensuring that students and instructors are on the same page when it comes to the goals, expectations, and requirements of a course.