chapter 6. CHEMICAL KINETICS class 12 chemistry textbook solution

2. Answer the following in one or two sentences.

ii. For the reaction,
CH3Br(aq) + OH-(aq) → CH3OH (aq) +Br (aq), rate law is rate = k[CH3Br][OH ]
a. How does reaction rate changes if [OH ] is decreased by a factor of 5 ?
b. What is change in rate if concentrations of both reactants are doubled?



For the reaction

\[ \ce{CH3Br_{(aq)} + OH^-_{(aq)} -> CH3OH^-_{(aq)} + Br^-_{(aq)}} \]

Rate = \( k [\ce{CH3Br}][\ce{OH^-}] \)

If \([\ce{OH^-}]\) is decreased by a factor of 5, keeping \([\ce{CH3Br}]\) constant, the rate will decrease by a factor of 5.


For the reaction

\[ \ce{CH3Br_{(aq)} + OH^-_{(aq)} -> CH3OH_{(aq)} + Br^-_{(aq)}} \]

Rate = \( k [\ce{CH3Br}][\ce{OH^-}] \)

If concentrations of \([\ce{CH3Br}]\) and \([\ce{OH^-}]\) are doubled, the rate will increase by a factor of 4.

chapter 6. CHEMICAL KINETICS class 12 chemistry textbook solution page 136