chapter 6. CHEMICAL KINETICS class 12 chemistry textbook solution

4. Solve

ix. What fraction of molecules in a gas at 300 K collide with an energy equal to activation energy of 50 kJ/mol ? (2 × 10-9)



Activation energy (Ea) = 50 kJ mol-1 = 50 × 103 J mol-1

Temperature (T) = 300 K

To find:

Fraction of molecule (f) with energy equal to Ea


f = e((-Ea)/(RT))


Substituting the given values:

f = e((-50 × 103 J mol-1)/(8.314 J K-1 mol-1> × 300 K))

log10f = ((-50 × 103)/(8.314 × 300 × 2.303))

log10f = -8.70

f = antilog (-8.70)

f ≈ 2.0 × 10-9

Fraction of molecules having energy equal to activation energy is approximately 2.0 × 10-9.

chapter 6. CHEMICAL KINETICS class 12 chemistry textbook solution page 137