Chemical Thermodynamics Chapter 4 Chemistry Class 12 Textbook Solution

3. Answer in brief.

vi. Obtain the expression for work done in chemical reaction.

  1. In chemical reactions, work is performed when the system is held at constant temperature and pressure. This can be described by the equation:
  2. W = -PextΔV        ....(1)

  3. If we assume that the external pressure (\(P_{\text{ext}}\)) is equal to the system pressure (\(P\)), we can simplify the equation as follows:
  4. W = -PΔV

    = -P(V2 - V1)

    W = -PV2 + PV1      .....(2)

  5. When dealing with ideal gases at constant temperature and pressure, we can use the following relationships:
  6. PV1 = n1RT

    PV2 = n2RT      ....(3)

    By substituting equation (3) into equation (2), we obtain:

    W = -n2RT + n1RT

    = -(n2 - n1)RT

    = -ΔngRT        .....(4)

  7. Equation (4) represents the work done by the system during chemical reactions.

Chemical Thermodynamics Chapter 4 Chemistry Class 12 Textbook Solution