x. In NaOH solution [OH ] is 2.87 × 10-4. Calculate the pH of solution.

3. Answer the following in brief :

x. In NaOH solution [OH ] is 2.87 × 10-4. Calculate the pH of solution.


Given: \([OH^-] = 2.87 \times 10^{-4}\) M

To find: pH of the solution


i. \(pOH = -\log_{10}[OH^-]\)

ii. \(pH + pOH = 14\)


From formula (i),

\(pOH = -\log_{10}[2.87 \times 10^{-4}]\)

\(= -\log_{10}2.87 - \log_{10}10^{-4}\)

\(= -\log_{10}2.87 + 4 = 4 - 0.4579\)

\(pOH = 3.5421\)

From formula (ii),

\(pH + pOH = 14\)

\(pH = 14 - pOH\)

\(= 14 - 3.5421\)

\(= 10.4579\)

pH of the solution is 10.4579