Chemical Thermodynamics Chapter 4 Chemistry Class 12 Textbook Solution

4. Answer the following questions.

xii. Calculate ΔU at 298 K for the reaction,
C2H4(g) + HCl(g) →C2H5Cl(g),
ΔH = -72.3 kJ
How much PV work is done?
Ans. : (-69.8 kJ, 2.48 kJ)



  • Enthalpy change = -72.3 kJ
  • Temperature (T) = 298 K

To find:

  • PV work done
  • Internal energy change (ΔU)


  1. W = -ΔngRT
  2. ΔH = ΔU + ΔngRT


First, calculate the change in the number of moles of gas (Δng): Δng = (moles of product gases) – (moles of reactant gases) Δng = 1 – 2 = -1 mol

Now, use formula (1) to find the PV work done: W = -ΔngRT W = -(-1 mol) * 8.314 J K^(-1) mol^(-1) * 298 K W = 2477.57 J = 2.48 kJ

Next, use formula (2) to find the internal energy change (ΔU): ΔU = ΔH – ΔngRT = -72.3 kJ + 2.48 kJ = -69.8 kJ


  • The PV work done is 2.48 kJ.
  • The internal energy change (ΔU) is -69.8 kJ.

Chemical Thermodynamics Chapter 4 Chemistry Class 12 Textbook Solution