Chapter 2  Solutions Class 12 Chemistry Maharashtra Board Textbook Solution

13. A mixture of benzene and toluene contains 30% by mass of toluene. At 300C, vapour pressure of pure toluene is 36.7 mm Hg and that of pure benzene is 118.2 mm Hg. Assuming that the two liquids form ideal solutions, calculate the total pressure and partial pressure of each constituent above the solution at 300C. (86.7 mm, P = 96.5 mm)

Answer:- \begin{align*} \text{Given:} & \\ & \text{Mass percentage of toluene} = 30\% \text{ W/W} \\ & \text{Vapour pressure of liquid toluene} (\text{P}_1^0) = 36.7 \text{ mm Hg} \\ & \text{Vapour pressure of liquid benzene} (\text{P}_2^0) = 118.2 \text{ mm Hg} \\ \text{To find:} & \\ 1. & \text{Partial pressures of each constituent} \\ 2. & \text{Total pressure} \\ \text{Formulae:} & \\ 1. & \text{P}_1 = \text{P}_1^0 \cdot x_1 \quad \text{and} \quad \text{P}_2 = \text{P}_2^0 \cdot x_2 \\ 2. & \text{P} = \text{P}_1 + \text{P}_2 \\ \text{Calculation:} & \\ & \text{Molar mass of toluene, C}_7\text{H}_8 = (7 \cdot 12) + (8 \cdot 1) = 92 \text{ g mol}^{-1} \\ & \text{Molar mass of benzene, C}_6\text{H}_6 = (6 \cdot 12) + (6 \cdot 1) = 78 \text{ g mol}^{-1} \\ & \text{Now, 30\% W/W toluene means 30 g toluene in 100 g solution.} \\ & \text{Thus, mass of benzene} = 100 – 30 = 70 \text{ g} \\ & \text{Number of moles of toluene, C}_7\text{H}_8 = \frac{30 \text{ g}}{92 \text{ mol}} = 0.326 \text{ mol} \\ & \text{Number of moles of benzene, C}_6\text{H}_6 = \frac{70 \text{ g}}{78 \text{ mol}} = 0.897 \text{ mol} \\ & \text{Total number of moles} (n_A + n_B) = 0.326 \text{ mol} + 0.897 \text{ mol} = 1.223 \text{ mol} \\ & \text{Mole fraction of toluene (x}_{C_7\text{H}_8}) = \frac{n_A}{n_A + n_B} = \frac{0.326}{1.223} = 0.2666 \\ & \text{Mole fraction of benzene (x}_{C_6\text{H}_6}) = 1.0 – 0.2666 = 0.7334 \\ & \text{Now, using formula (i),} \\ & \text{P}_{C_7\text{H}_8} = \text{P}_{C_7\text{H}_8}^0 \cdot x_{C_7\text{H}_8} = 36.7 \text{ mm Hg} \cdot 0.2666 = 9.78 \text{ mm Hg} \\ & \text{P}_{C_6\text{H}_6} = \text{P}_{C_6\text{H}_6}^0 \cdot x_{C_6\text{H}_6} = 118.2 \text{ mm Hg} \cdot 0.7334 = 86.7 \text{ mm Hg} \\ & \text{Now, using formula (ii),} \\ & \text{Vapour pressure of the solution,} \\ & \text{P} = \text{P}_{C_7\text{H}_8} + \text{P}_{C_6\text{H}_6} = 9.78 \text{ mm Hg} + 86.7 \text{ mm Hg} = 96.48 \text{ mm Hg} = 96.5 \text{ mm Hg} \\ & \therefore \text{Partial pressures of toluene and benzene are 9.78 mm Hg and 86.7 mm Hg, respectively.} \\ & \therefore \text{Total pressure above the solution is 96.5 mm Hg.} \end{align*}

Chapter 2  Solutions Class 12 Chemistry Maharashtra Board Textbook Solution