chapter 14 Biomolecules Class 12 Chemistry Textbook Solution

3. Answer the following

iii. Write the names and schematic representations of all the possible dipeptides formed from alanine, glycine and tyrosine.


  • Glycylglycine: Gly-Gly
  • Alanylalanine: Ala-Ala
  • Tyrosyltyrosine: Tyr-Tyr
  • Glycylalanine: Gly-Ala
  • Alanylglycine: Ala-Gly
  • Glycyltyrosine: Gly-Tyr
  • Tyrosylglycine: Tyr-Gly
  • Tyrosylalanine: Tyr-Ala
  • Alanyltyrosine: Ala-Tyr

chapter 14 Biomolecules Class 12 Chemistry Textbook Solution

page 321