chapter 13 Amines Class 12 Chemistry Textbook Solution

4. Answer the following.

iv. Write reactions to prepare ethanamine from
a. Acetonitrile b. Nitroethane
c. Propionamide

Answer:- a) Acetonitrile on Mendius reduction yields ethanamine.
\[\ce{\underset{\text{Acetonitrile}}{CH3 – C ≡ N} + 4[H] ->[Na/Ethanol] \underset{\text{Ethanamine}}{CH3 – CH2 – NH2}}\]
b)Nitroethane on reduction in presence of Sn/HCl or LiAlH4 in ether yields ethanamine.
\[\ce{\underset{\text{Nitroethane}}{CH3 – CH2 – NO2} ->[LiAlH4/ether]\underset{\text{Ethanamine}}{CH3 – CH2 – NH2}}\]
c. Propionamide on Hofmann bromamide degradation yields ethanamine.
\[\begin{array}{cc}\\ \ce{O}\phantom{………………………………………………….}\\ ||\phantom{………………………………………………….}\\ \ce{\underset{\text{Propionamide}}{CH3 – CH2 – C – NH2} + Br2 – 4KOH ->[\Delta] \underset{\text{Ethanamine}}{CH3 – CH2 – NH2} + K2CO3 + 2KBr + 2H2O}\\ \phantom{………….} \end{array}\]

13 Amines Class 12 Chemistry Textbook Solution page 297